5.0 英语 · 1934 · 美国 · 喜剧片
威廉·鲍威尔,玛娜·洛伊,莫琳·奥沙利文,纳特·彭德尔顿,Minna Gombell,波特·霍尔,亨利·沃兹沃思,威廉·亨利,Harold Huber,恺撒·罗摩洛,娜塔莉·穆尔黑德,爱德华·布罗菲,Edward Ellis,Cyril Thornton,Will Aubrey,William Augustin,波莉·贝利,Arthur Belasco,布鲁克斯·贝内迪克特,Tui Bow,Ray
Nick和Nora 这对搞笑侦探夫妻档总是连手出击调查案件。这回他们要着手的是一位发明家失踪的案子,要找出为何会失踪,且失踪到哪里去了……? 相当成功地将喜剧和悬疑元素交融在一起。William Powell和Myrna Loy 饰演的夫妻档,是影史上第一对塑造成功的屏幕情侣组合!本片导演就是影坛上有『一次OK』之封号的 W.S. Van Dyke,本片他只花了两礼拜就拍摄完毕!由华人黄宗沾担纲摄影指导。本片独有的喜剧悬疑风,也成往后这类型电影的祖师爷。Albert Hackett和Frances Goodrich 根据 Dashiell Hammett 的小说改编成剧本。后来还拍摄了五部续集。
7.0 英语 · 1948 · 美国 · 恐怖片
约翰·法罗执导的一部涉案片,讲述了一个出版大享凭借过人的胆识和智慧为自己洗刷谋杀罪名的故事。影片包容了言情、悬疑诸多元素,情节跌宕起伏,扣人心弦。 出版大亨乔纳森拥有世界上最精确、最独特的私人大钟,这个钟造价高过60万美元,可以知道世界任何一个地方的时间。乔治就在这个出版机构任职。多年来,他忙于工作,连和妻子去度蜜月的时间都被突而其来的新闻采访所占去,内心深处觉得非常亏欠妻子。就在他准备休假陪妻子度蜜月时,他卷入了一起谋杀案,他所带领的团队负责向读者披露案件侦破过程,一个又一个的疑点对他相当不利,尽管他是无辜的,在紧张的调查过程中,他利用自己过人的胆识和智慧,为自己洗脱了罪名。
6.0 英语 · 1936 · 美国 · 科幻片
After seventeen years in prison, the former respected Parisian banker Paul Lavond flees with his friend, the lunatic scientist Marcel that is researching with his wife Malita the miniaturization of animals and human beings to improve the resources of mankind. Paul Lavond was framed for robbery by his scoundrel associates Emil Coulvet, Charles Matin and Victor Radin that had stolen his business while his family was doomed to shame, poverty and tragedy. When Marcel reduces the retarded servant Lachna, he learns that the woman is motionless and only responds to the control of his brain and has a heart attack. After the death of Marcel, Paul Lavond sees the chance to use the miniaturization process as instrument of vengeance and he travels to Paris with the insane Malita disguised of Madame Mandilip, a nice old lady and owner of a dolls store. Paul Lavond, using the identity of Madame Mandilip, befriends his resented and estranged daughter Lorraine Lavond and plots a scheme to revenge and vindicate his family name.
10.0 英语 · 1932 · 美国 · 剧情片
Aspirations and the lives of several people working at the gigantic Seacoast National Bank Building interweave in various plots. The most notable character is David Dwight, the womanizing bank owner who keeps his estranged wife happy by paying for her extravagant globetrotting. Dwight's long time secretary Sarah yearns for them to divorce so her affair with him can be legitimized. Sarah shows her good side by playing mother to the young innocent Lynn Harding, who she employs as an assistant. Beautiful Miss Harding is relentlessly pursued by extroverted bank teller Tom Sheppard, but he is frustrated when Dwight lures her away with power and wealth. Then Dwight ruins everyone's finances in a successful bid to get full control of his skyscraper by manipulating the company's stock price. Now there doesn't appear to be anyone who can prevent the power monger from taking advantage of the ingenue Harding-or is there
7.0 英语 · 1939 · 美国 · 剧情片
玛丽(莫琳·奥沙利文 Maureen O'Sullivan 饰)和布里克(亨利·方达 Henry Fonda 饰)是一对即将结婚的小情侣,两人之间的感情非常的要好。布里克是一名出租车司机,他斥巨资买了一辆出租车,决定和自己的好友乔(阿兰·巴克斯特 Alan Barkeste 饰)一起开一家出租车公司。 就在玛丽和布里克准备结婚的前一夜,电影院发生了可怕的抢劫案,三名劫匪在打死了一名电影院员工之后开着出租车逃跑了。警方立刻对附近的所有出租车司机展开了排查,其中也包括布里克和乔。哪知道,在场的十一位目击证人全部指认布里克和乔就是抢劫犯,两人锒铛入狱。为了证明丈夫的清白,玛丽四处奔波搜集证据,却遭到了警方的阻挠。
10.0 英语 · 1941 · 美国 · 动作片
9.0 英语 · 1930 · 美国 · 科幻片
埃尔·布伦德尔,莫琳·奥沙利文,John Garrick,Marjorie White
airplanes have replaced cars, numbers have replaced names, pills have replaced food, government-arranged marriages have replaced love, and test tube babies have replaced ... well, you get the idea. Scientists revive a man struck by lightning in 1930; he is rechristened Single O. He is befriended by J-21, who can't marry the girl of his dreams because he isn't distinguished enough -- until he is chosen for a 4-month expedition to Mars by a renegade scientist. The Mars J-21, his friend, and stowaway Single O visit is full of scantily clad women doing Busby Berkeley-style dance numbers and worshiping a fat middle-aged man.